
Submitted/Accepted manuscript (S)

S01: Momentum fluxes in wind-forced breaking waves.
         N. Scapin, J. Wu, J. Thomas Farrar, B. Charpron, S. Popinet, L. Deike
         Accepted for publication on the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. See Arxiv preprint

Peer-reviewed journals (J)

J10: “A Volume-of-Fluid method for multicomponent droplet evaporation with Robin boundary conditions”
         S. Z. Salimi, N. Scapin, E. R. Popescu, P. Costa, and L. Brandt
         Journal of Computational Physics (2024): 113211
J09: “Turbulent convection in emulsions: the Rayleigh–Bénard configuration”
         A. M. Bilondi, N. Scapin, L. Brandt, and P. Mirbor
         Journal of Fluid Mechanics 999 (2024): A4
J08: “Effects of Rayleigh and Weber numbers on two-layer turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection”
         A. Demou, N. Scapin, M.C. Esposito, P. Costa, F. Spiga, and L. Brandt
         Journal of Fluid Mechanics 996 (2024): A23
J07: “An Efficient Isogeometric/Finite-Difference IBM for the Fluid-Structure Interactions of Slender Flexible Structures”
         V. Agrawal, A. Kulachenko, N. Scapin, O. Tammisola, and L. Brandt.
         Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418 (2024): 116495
J06: “Evaporating Rayleigh–Bénard convection: prediction of interface temperature and global heat transfer modulation”
         N. Scapin, A. D. Demou, and L. Brandt.
         Journal of Fluid Mechanics 957 (2023): A12
J05: “FluTAS: A GPU-accelerated finite difference code for multiphase flows”
         M. Crialesi-Esposito, N. Scapin, A. D. Demou, M. E. Rosti, P. Costa, F. Spiga, and L. Brandt
         Computer Physics Communication 284 (2023): 108602
J04: “A pressure-based diffuse interface method for low-Mach multiphase flows with mass transfer”
         A. Demou, N. Scapin, M. Pelanti, and L. Brandt
         Journal of Computational Physics 448 (2022): 110730
J03: “Finite-size evaporating droplets in weakly compressible homogeneous shear turbulence”
         N. Scapin, F. D. Barba, G. Lupo, M. E. Rosti, C. Duwig, and L. Brandt
         Journal of Fluid Mechanics 934 (2022): A15
J02: “An interface capturing method for liquid-gas flows at low-Mach number”
         F. Dalla Barba, N. Scapin, A. D. Demou, M. E. Rosti, F. Picano, and L. Brandt
         Computers & Fluids 216 (2021): 104789
J01: “A volume-of-fluid method for interface-resolved simulations of phase-changing two-fluid flows”
         N. Scapin, P. Costa, and L. Brandt
         Journal of Computational Physics 407 (2020): 109251

Peer-reviewed proceedings (P)

P01: A mass-conserving pressure-based method for two-phase flows with phase change
         N. Scapin, A. Shahmardi, W. H. R. Chan, S. S. Jain, S. Mirjalili, M. Pelanti, L. Brandt
         Proceedings of the Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research (2022)

Books chapters (B)

B01: Overview of tropical cyclones and historical perspective, in Tropical Cyclones and Associated Impacts
         W. Yang, E. Levin, S. Menemenlis, N. Scapin, M. Igbinoba, M. Chung,
         G. Rios, T.-L. Hsieh, L. Deike, I. Mitevski, G. A. Vecchi
         Elsevier (2025), pp. 1-25